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All Audits where possible are carried out to AS:3598 Type 1 or above.

AS:3598 is the Australian standard for energy audits.

This standard has 3 sections;

1. Commercial audit which applies to anything from a cafe to a commercial building or shopping centre.

2. Industrial audit which applies to industrial and manufacturing. It could be anything from a small cabinet maker, a dairy right up to large factories.

3. Transport. This section would apply to transport fleets whether they be cars, trucks or even aircraft or shipping.

We concentrate on sections 1 and 2.

Within each section there are 3 types of audit.

A Type 1 audit is a desktop analysis of 24 months of energy use data,  on-site visit(s) to determine energy loads and the the production of a report detailing recommendations, costings and savings to an accuracy of +-40%. This is suitable for organisations that spend less than $20,000 p.a. on energy costs.

A Type 2 audit includes a Type 1 audit but involves more detailed analysis of energy using systems. It must account for all subsystems that use more than 20% of the energy use.

 The recommendations costings are +- 40% with typical payback times of under 4 years. This is suitable for organisations with an energy spend of over $20,000 per annum.

A Type 3 audit is similar to a Type 2 audit but it will concentrate on an energy subsystem e.g. HVAC or refrigeration systems. It is a lot more detailed and will often involve the installation of measuring equipment on appropriate circuits to accurately determine the energy use of those subsystems.

This type of audit is often identified as a result of a Type 2 audit.