© Ecodecisions 2016
About Us
EcoDecisions was formed in 2009 to bridge the gap between simple energy auditing and sustainability.
This resulted in the formation of a company that is unique in its approach to corporate sustainability and the reduction in the corporate environmental footprint.
Ecodecisons is committed to developing highly focussed, long term client relationships .
We were the first in Australia to be accredited as Energy Auditors under the Schneider Electric worldwide EcoXpert programme. We are still only one of three in the country.
We are also accredited Energy Auditors with the Office of Environment and Heritage (N.S.W. Govt.) And Sustainability Victoria.
We have just been appointed to the Environmental Sustainable Building Consultants Panel with the City of Kingston
EcoDecisions Is a company dedicated to helping you become more energy efficient and reducing your environmental footprint.
We are sustainability consultants who conduct energy audits (both commercial and domestic), sustainability audits and ISO14001 (environmental management systems) audits
We also offer some of the most cutting edge LED lighting solutions and we use sophisticated light planning software to prepare illumination diagrams and lighting plans.
Our Experts
Graeme Ambrose
- Managing Director /Senior Sustainability Consultant
Diploma of Sustainability
Diploma of Management
Certificate IV Renewable Energy
Certificate IV Training & Assessment
Certificate IV in Home Sustainability Assessment
ISO14001 Auditor
Danielle King
- Senior Auditor
Diploma of Sustainability
Diploma of Management
Certificate IV Training & Education
Certificate IV in Home Sustainability Assessment
We are accredited under Schneider Electric’s Ecoxpert Program.
We are one of only three Ecoxpert Energy Auditing in Australia.
To find out more about this program click here
Our Clients
Some of our clients include Baw Baw Shire, East Gippsland Shire, City of Maribyrnong.
Clean Energy Solar and Advanced Environmental Systems